A Gorgeous Robeling Day, Cincinnati

Excited to share my latest painting of the amazing Cincinnati Skyline.

A Gorgeous Roebling Day, Cincinnati | 16″ x 30″ acrylic on canvas by Jeff Johns

If you’re interested in commissioning your own masterpiece call Jeff Johns today. 859.630.9657. Click here for the contact page.

Donated painting raises significant funds for local restaurant during COVID-19


On the Roebling Bridge | 30″ x 40″ Acrylic on Canvas

Excited to share that this painting has officially sold bringing in a significant amount of money towards a local small business. Our friends at Libby’s Southern Comfort will receive 100% of the proceeds going to both their staff and business.

Looking forward to picking up the brush and making more art. The odd thing about this time is that Colin and I haven’t been able to paint together on the same canvas at the same time and I miss that. Pretty soon we’ll be painting together again and I can’t wait!! 😁

In the meantime we’re happy our art was able to make a difference in a small way. Congrats to the winner of the painting and we hope you enjoy!

On the Roebling Bridge, Cincinnati Ohio | 40″ x 30″ Acrylic on canvas by Jeff Johns and Colin Daugherty

#JeffJohns #ColinDaugherty #JJCDcollaborations

Cincinnati Skyline | A View from the West Side

CincinnatiSkyline_WestSide_smallWe’re excited to share that this painting we started back in 2016 is now finally complete.  This painting truly captures the vibrant vibe of the Cincinnati Skyline from an entirely fresh perspective. We hope you enjoy this piece as much as we do. So happy to have this complete and able to share with the word.

To see an early progress capture of this painting from a few years back click here. 

Cincinnati Skyline | A View from the West Side, 24″ x 48 Acrylic on Canvas by Jeff Johns and Colin Daugherty

If you’re interested in commissioning your own masterpiece call Jeff Johns today. 859.630.9657. Click here for the contact page.

This was a passion painting project that was inspired by a super talented friend and photographer Steve Ziegelmeyer.


View from Devou 2 | Cincinnati Skyline

CincinnatiViewFromDevou2_FinalThrilled to share the final capture of this Cincinnati Skyline painting. This is the second commissioned painting we’ve completed from this perspective.  After spending my childhood years inspired by this view  I was excited to see the panoramic view of both Covington Kentucky featuring the Radisson building along with all the iconic structures of the Queen City brought to life in this work of art.

While generally we prefer to paint in color, the black and white on this painting really allows the painting to focus on the architecture of the city resulting in a dynamic and aesthetically pleasing painting that will look great with nearly any decor.

Can’t wait till the new owner to this piece gets to see it in person for the first time. Getting ready to ship this piece to them in sunny Tampa, Florida.

Click here to see the original painting that inspired this piece.


View from Devou 2 | Cincinnati Skyline 30″ x 48″ acrylic on canvas by Jeff Johns and Colin Daugherty

If you’re interested in commissioning your own masterpiece call Jeff Johns today. 859.630.9657. Click here for the contact page.

Recent Testimonial from our latest Cincinnati Skyline Painting

CincinnatiSkyline_TestimonialIt feels great to finish a painting, especially when you receive a testimonial like the one below. Just received the feedback after delivering this painting of the Cincinnati skyline.

“We are absolutely pleased and enlightened with the beauty of the Roebling Bridge and the Cincinnati Skyline that is brought to life In this original acrylic painting by Jeff Johns and Colin Daugherty. Captured in vivid color and detail, a date stamp for this night has been created in this one of a kind painting. This artistic work is the focal point of our renovated condo on the Ohio River. We, and guests, will enjoy exploring this work for many years to come.”

~ Jeff & Melanie Arnold


Cincinnati Skyline | A View from Riverside Terrace 30″ x 48″ acrylic on canvas by Jeff Johns and Colin Daugherty

If you’re interested in commissioning your own masterpiece call Jeff Johns today. 859.630.9657. Click here for the contact page.

To see our full portfolio of Cincinnati Skyline paintings and more click here. 



Cincinnati Skyline | A View from Riverside Terrace

RiversideTerrace_smallHere’s the final capture of this painting titled, Cincinnati Skyline, A View from Riverside Terrace. This painting was originally kicked off back in mid September after being invited to this beautiful living space in Riverside Terrace and asked to replicate the view from our client’s balcony.

After nearly five months of working this painting, Colin and myself have finally decided it is finished. I have to say that after all the skyline scenes we’ve painted this one has to be near the top of our list due to the fact that so many of the iconic structures in the city of Cincinnati are featured in this work of art. One of my personal favorites is the Roebling Bridge and fro this vantage point it takes up nearly the left side of the canvas. Colin’s favorite structure in the city is the Great American Building and stadium and those truly glow in this piece adding constant excitement from left to right of the painting.

We’re thrilled to be finally finished with this painting and looking forward to our client seeing it in person for the very first time. Hope you enjoy too!

Click here to see the original post that showcases photography of the City of Cincinnati from our clients amazing balcony. What an awesome gig this one was!

Cincinnati Skyline | A View from Riverside Terrace 30″ x 48″ acrylic on canvas by Jeff Johns and Colin Daugherty

If you’re interested in commissioning your own masterpiece call Jeff Johns today. 859.630.9657. Click here for the contact page.

To see our full portfolio of Cincinnati Skyline paintings and more click here. 



View from Devou Park, The Cincinnati Skyline

ViewFromDevou_Final_SmallExcited to share final capture of this painting of the Cincinnati Skyline with the view from Devou Park. After spending much of my youth taking this view in I was excited that we got a commission request to paint this vantage point. This painting captures the panoramic view of both Covington Kentucky featuring the Radisson building along with all the iconic structures of the Queen City.

I have to say we’re thrilled with the outcome of this painting and can’t wait to deliver it to our client later this week. One fun fact about this painting is that the moment it was shared on social media we had a request for another commissioned painting just like it. So stay tuned for the next one!

View from Devou | Cincinnati Skyline 30″ x 48″ acrylic on canvas by Jeff Johns and Colin Daugherty



If you’re interested in commissioning your own masterpiece call Jeff Johns today. 859.630.9657. Click here for the contact page.






Proud Recipient of The Roebling Bridge, a Kentucky Perspective | 24” x 36”

73022305_10217422901422608_3970361205435924480_nGiving the gift of art is always amazing! Here’s a photo of the proud recipient of one of our latest commissioned paintings titled, The Roebling Bridge | A Kentucky Perspective #JJCD #JeffJohns #ColinDaugherty

To see the original painting click here.

If you’re interested in commissioning your own masterpiece call Jeff Johns today. 859.630.9657. Click here for the contact page.

Photography Study to Inspire the Next Cincinnati Skyline Painting

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After spending an hour around sunset one evening on our client’s balcony here are some of the lead images that will inspire their new painting. What’s your favorite? Remember, the 👹 is in the details.

The title of this painting will be, Cincinnati Skyline | A View from Riverside Terrace 30″ x 48″ by Jeff Johns and Colin Daugherty

If you’re interested in commissioning your own masterpiece call Jeff Johns today. 859.630.9657. Click here for the contact page.



Gearing up for the Next Cincinnati Skyline Painting

71152768_10217225169919444_5254280509650894848_nIt’s amazing the people you meet and the views you see all brought together by art. Spent the start of my Friday night a few weeks ago scoping out the view of our next commissioned painting from our latest client’s amazing balcony.

What a great gig, getting invited into a home where your artwork will be featured as a focal point. Now this place was simply amazing as it opened up to panoramic views of the Cincinnati Skyline. Be sure to stay tuned to see progress.

The title of this painting will be, Cincinnati Skyline | A View from Riverside Terrace 30″ x 48″ by Jeff Johns and Colin Daugherty

If you’re interested in commissioning your own masterpiece call Jeff Johns today. 859.630.9657. Click here for the contact page.